Although it’s been already over two years since I moved to Bavaria, I realised I did not post anything about this nice region on my blog. So, let mi fix that and show you some photographs of pretty Bavarian places.
I would like to start with Tegernsee. It is a lake and the name of a town on its shore. It’s a very picturesque resort area close to the Bavarian Alps. Located in just a bit over 50 km to the South from Munich, this place offers a great opportunity to escape the city for a one day, or, alternatively, to stay a bit longer in one of its luxury resorts. I’ve only been there on day-trips so far, but I would definitely like to stay there longer someday.

This summer we went there just for a short trip in the end of June. It was one of the first weekends after the first-wave corona lockdown was weakened.
The place was full of people and it was not easy to find a table in the restaurant we picked for lunch, but we eventually got lucky. After a hearty Bavarian lunch we went on a long walk along the shore. It was a nice walk, but Sergio forgot his sunscreen and his skin soon started burning in the harsh direct sun, so we decided to turn back.

On the way, at one of the piers we saw a ferry, which also served as a pleasure boat offering one-hour-ride tickets. We though it’s a great idea, and hopped on board. We were sitting inside to avoid the direct sun, and the ride was very enjoyable.

When the boat ride has finished, the sun was not that harsh anymore, so we walked a bit more, had some refreshing drinks in a terrace bar by the lake and bought two pieces of an apple strudel (the German apple pie) to bring home.

Photos taken in June 2020